
I don't really need to say much about it, because it all mean different things to different people.
We all NEED it, we all WANT it and we should all GIVE it,
relationship whatever it is share the love, im in a pretty good mood today so i felt like telling you all.
Mads x

P.s: i plan to write something really really good soon, because i haven't written something not mushy and substantial for such a long time. but i will Wednesday probably.


Its my birthday soon and I'm about to spend a night with my close friends and family performing the can can for the public and i couldn't be happier.
Life's treating me pretty freaking well, and schools just finished.
This birthday Ive decided to thank my mum, its not just MY birthday but its the day that mum had me and its special to her too. so that's my plan for the big day :)
I hope your all well, i loved the cute little vintage picture above. have a good day/night- spread the love.

Peace Mads. x


i dont have much to say tonight,
im so tired, i think it should be illegal to be this tired and still awake. haha
Have a geat day tomorrow everyone,
your mission is to make someone that you dont usually talk to smile,
its not to get something back, its not for personal gain but it will make their day.
Mads. x